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The Witch is Back!

Happy Halloween NYC! Wow it's been a minute since my last entry... but this witch is back and ready to update you all on my latest NYC adventures. Grab your broomsticks... this is going to be a lengthy one!

As many of you know, I've been ready to jump into classes since the minute I stepped off the plane. It's so very important for a performer to continue their training, whether through a graduate program, private lessons, or workshops. Training is just essential for the recent BFA theatre graduate as it is the six-time Tony Award winner. As a performer, you have to maintain your instrument. This means voice lessons, acting classes, dance workshops, the list goes on and on. Heck, even Patti LuPone still works with a vocal coach and we all know she practically invented modern musical theatre belting! How can I expect to take over the Great White Way if I don't also step, ball, change into some classes myself? After researching several different performance based classes, I finally decided to enroll in a 5 week session with Actor Therapy. Actor Therapy is a program that consists of multi-week sessions year round that focus on everything in the business from acting and singing, to learning what it takes to truly make it and get work in the world of NYC theatre. The program was created by composer Ryan Scott Oliver and Broadway favorite Lindsay Mendez. Ryan Scott Oliver is a musical composer who is the brilliant mind behind shows such as Jasper in Deadland and 35MM: A Musical Exhibition. Lindsay Mendez has been in several shows both on and off Broadway (Dogfight, Grease, Godspell, Wicked) and will soon be playing Carrie in the highly anticipated revival of Carousel . The amount of talent and experience between these two geniuses make them the perfect teachers and mentors for young theatre professionals learning how to maneuver their way through the ranks of an working actor in New York City. Not only does this program focus on the audition process, Actor Therapy assists students in taking the first steps of their specific path to reach their goals. They also provide business classes, sponsor cabarets for their students, and ensure that each of their students is prepared to put themselves out there realistically. After reading about the program and all it has to offer I knew it would be a great fit into my life, both socially and professionally.

My first official Actor Therapy class was last Monday evening and holy cabooses I am 100% sure I have made the right decision! There are 9 other students in my class, all supremely talented and unique in their own way. Each of us has a different look, voice type, and personality. The variety of students working together for 5 weeks in such an intimate setting with Broadway's best is thrilling! For our first class we were asked to bring in two audition cuts that represent who we are. Each of us got to perform our cuts for the class then receive notes from Ryan and Sierra Boggess! (Yes, the Sierra Boggess who played Christine in the Phantom 25th Anniversary concert and the OG Ariel in The Little Mermaid on Broadway. Yes, she's amazing in person as well.) I was prepared to sing "Take A Chance On Me" from Little Women (my go to audition song) and "Out There" from Hunchback of Notre Dame, but after Ryan suggest I sing something other than "Out There", I quickly pulled out "Beautiful Girls" from Follies and showed off my classical training complete with 4 high B's. (Thank you Dr. Wight.) It was incredibly intimidating but also so freeing and fun. There is absolutely no judgement in this classroom setting and I LOVE that. We're all there to learn and grow and you can feel the support from everyone in the room. Ryan and Sierra gave such wonderful feedback and suggested several songs and composers to look at. Sierra suggested I bring in "You'll Be Back" from Hamilton (FINE I WILL) and Ryan is allowing me to bring in ONE diva female torch song. (Not sure how I'm going to choose just one but I'm definitely up for a challenge!) Sierra also told me I was a baby Piangi which made my entire life because we all know Piangi is my dream role! (Though I did just play the role this summer, thanks again Dr. Wight.) We talked a lot about type and being realistic about ones abilities. They both appreciated that I have a good idea of what roles to go for and which songs best show off my vocal range. My audition book is far from perfect but I am so lucky to have had some AMAZING teachers who have trained me to be realistic and introduced me to great material. It was also fascinating to listen to Ryan and Sierra give feedback to the other students.

My second class was last night. I came in prepared to sing three different songs previously suggested and again got a lot of constructive feedback and more recommendations for my audition book. I absolutely love the way Lindsay and Ryan work with their students. They ask the tough questions and depend on us to find the answers. I feel inspired and challenged each time I leave class which is exactly what I was hoping for. I've also been inspired to start brainstorming various ideas for a Cabaret. A one man show, starring me, singing songs I love while telling my story. Cabaret performances are super popular amongst musical theatre actors and I'm really interested in putting one together myself. It's a lot of work but I have a fun story to tell and lots of great songs I would love to perform in front of an audience. Plus you never know who will be in the audience! It's just something in the back of my head for now but I suspect you'll all be hearing more about this in the future. We shall see...

I also realize I talk so much about theatre and the business so I wanted to try and explain a bit of that! The following is some insight for those of you who aren't as theatre savvy. (Totally not a bad thing, I just don't want to be speaking a foreign language all the time.)

So it's important for every actor to have their audition book in tip top shape at all times. Your audition book should have several songs of various styles that best show off your talents, while also being reasonable roles you can play. Along with musical theatre songs, it's important to also have some pop, rock, folk, and jazz in your audition book because you never know what the casting director will ask of you. Auditions are terrifyingly exciting and it's so important to be well prepared. I have more classical, character tenor pieces in my book because I know exactly what roles I can and cannot play. Songs such as "Giants in the Sky" from Into the Woods, "Out There" from The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and "Never Ever Getting Rid of Me" from Waitress. I also have a few classical tenor songs such as "Lonely House" from Street Scene, "Beautiful Girls" from Follies, and "Les Poissons" from the Little Mermaid. Sometimes you have to be able to show off your comedic skills while also singing a high B. At an audition, you may be asked to sing a cut (16-32 bars of a song) or to have an entire song prepared. It's all about preparation and making certain your book is fun, creative, and shows exactly who you are. I hope this all makes sense. I know many readers of this blog aren't performers so I want to make sure I explain the crazy antics of showbusiness before I spew out a nonstop rambling of information!

In other news, life is going very well. Lot's of friends are visiting soon and the holidays are just around the corner. I'm not sure when I'll be coming home for a visit but with work, classes, and visits from friends I'm definitely keeping myself busy. I miss everyone at home so much but I am thankfully beginning to feel a sense of home here. Also my Mother sent me an entire cotton stalk so it's hard to forget home when it comes via USPS. In all seriousness, leaving everyone I love to pursue my dreams has been the most difficult challenge I have ever faced. Though I've been ready to leave the farm for a while, taking the step and getting on that plane took much more than I ever could have imagined. I will say that I am proud of myself for doing so. Since moving to NYC my eyes have truly been opened. I am more focused and dedicated to reaching my personal goals then ever before. I've met some wonderful people who have already inspired and enriched my life in ways I couldn't have imagined. Missing home definitely doesn't get easier, but knowing I'm on my way to grabbing those dreams makes it all worth it. I'm so thankful for life's shiny opportunities.

If any of you every have any questions or want me to discuss anything specifically, please reach out to me! I'd love to hear from all two of you who read my blog and am always looking for new stories to write and thoughts to think! Please give me all of the suggestions! ( or comment below!)

HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! I can't wait to see NYC all dressed up tonight! Hope you all eat lots of candy and dress to slay tonight!


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